Friday, November 28, 2008

KILL YOUR IDOLS put words in my mouth

Let me set-up my thoughts for you....

Today I watched a movie called Kill Your Idols. It spans 30 years of music, 13 bands, and 1 city--New York. The music is solely art-punk, which has been the rhythm of my heart essence since I was very young. It's funny because now that I'm in SF and have been immersing myself deep in mysticism, I find fewer and fewer people who understand my love for such aggressive music. Blame it on my Detroit/NY roots. I mean I love a good kirtan, but when a scream that could curdle my blood combines with a transcendent chord progression, I feel light and free and cathartic.

The movie shows live footage and interviews with bands like Suicide, Lydia Lunch, Sonic Youth, The Swans, Liars and Gogol Bordello. All of whom are refreshingly chill answering their questions, and all of whom seem to be fairly pissy about the co-opting of underground music. (And fashion, literature, language, get the point.)

In any case as I was watching this and getting more and more angst-ridden, (as this subject is one I obsess over as well,) I realized something. Maybe Millennials don't suck per se, maybe their just freakin CONFUSED as to what to rebel against.

If that's the case, then there's still hope in a new kind of nihilism. One that is a joyful nihilism. One that can see emptiness as potential. One that isn't afraid of nothingness.

It's interesting then, that I've been so intuitively drawn to Tantric dharma lately. If emptiness is form as our teacher shows us, than the bark of old school nihilism loses its bite. I would love to know how other people cope with this current state of zero integrity.

Do tell....

Click the "read more" link here to watch the trailer for Kill Your Idols.

read more | digg story

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pluto says peace out to Sag, Moves to Capricorn

I've always had a strong sensitivity to changing energies, and will adjust my behavior and attitudes to be more in sync with an emerging zeitgeist before most people even realize that there is transformation in the air.

It seems that there must be some changes afoot, because I lately I feel the need to get as self-sufficient as possible in order to maintain control over myself in the face of these changes. I'm compelled to do this mainly out of survival skills. It just feels necessary. Many habits I see in myself and others seemed repulsive suddenly, and I'm not sure why. Although my intuition tells me this "batten down the hatches" moment is based a lot on financial crises and the current state of the economy.

Here's an interesting astrological blurb addressing this time period. It was written last year by Vivian Weaver, as a prediction on how Pluto's move into Capricorn will affect us. Pluto left Sagittarius for Capicorn yesterday, where it will stay until 2023. I feel like my recent desires to prepare for a new more serious and efficient way of living may have something to do with it. You decide. Here's the prediction from Vivian Weaver:

"It is a habit of Pluto to exaggerate the negative until we are forced beyond our lethargy to resolve issues. In these first few years (of Pluto in Capricorn) Big Business will become the ruler of the globe and governments merely puppets. General economic fear will likely create an atmosphere in which we, the people, will voluntarily give up our personal rights to achieve order. The process is one of erosion..." "We need to do what we can to stem the tide of Big Business tyranny over the next decade. Get out of debt. Change your lifestyle and take good care of your health. Become as independent as reasonably possible from institutions and corporations. Take any steps, however small they seem, to preserve your independence and self-sufficiency. None of us is immune to the zeitgeist of the time in which we live, but we can stay awake and adopt behavior that reinforces our personal freedom."